Care-Managed Services
Prior to receiving any in-home service an older adult must be assessed by the care management staff. This is the Care Management process. Each referred person will be visited in their own living environment where an in-depth interview will take place. All mandated forms must be completed before services begin. As a result of the assessment process, some individuals can remain at home with a range of services that vary from minimal supportive services to intensive in-home services.
Home Health
When no other options are available for payment, the following home health services can be provided: nursing visit, nursing assessment, medication setup, physical therapy, occupational therapy, and speech therapy.
Nursing Home Transition
The Nursing Home Transition provides an opportunity for some individuals currently residing in nursing facilities to move back into the community. Assistance is available for securing housing, furnishings, the actual move, and coordinating needed services. Funds for this program come from both the Department of Public Welfare and the Department of Aging.
Aging Waiver Program
This program offers the older adult an opportunity to remain in their home, in lieu of nursing home care. To qualify, the older adult must be 60 years of age or older, a resident of Columbia or Montour county, and must meet both medical and financial eligibility. Medically the older adult must require the level of care that a nursing facility would provide. Financial determination is made through the local county assistance office. MORE INFO: Medicaid Waiver
Long-Term Care Assessments
Through an in-depth assessment process, assessors evaluate placement options or services required to meet the specific needs of individuals over the age of 18. Placement decisions refer to nursing homes, personal care homes or domiciliary care homes. Consumers having special needs related to mental illness, mental retardation or other related conditions are also evaluated and referred to appropriate agencies for services.
Protective Services
The Older Adult Protective Services unit provides 24-hour on call services for older adults at risk of abuse, neglect, abandonment or exploitation. These services include legal consultation, police protection, counseling, health care treatment, emergency services, financial management and in-home services. The type of service rendered depends upon the immediate needs of the client. The reporter can remain anonymous.
NOTE: All matters are confidential! MORE INFO: Protective Services